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Awards and Honors

An Account of My Death in the Mountains by Leni Zumas

Highlighted in Rarely Likable's Storybucket 2011


Fourteen by Chad Simpson

Selected in Notable Stories of 2010 for storySouth's Million Writers Award

Longlisted for Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2011


The Iron by Greg Gerke

Selected for Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2011


Wife in Reverse by Stephen Dixon

Longlisted for Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2011

Selected for Best Recent Stories on HTMLGiant 2012


Aunt Ginny's Lunar Bash, Los Alamos, 1974 by Marcelle Heath

Longlisted for Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2011

Another Calamity Averted by Boomer Pinches

Longlisted for Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2011


Objects: Bed by Tristan Davies

Highlighted as example of arc-less flash fiction at Flash Fiction Chronicles

About Me and My Cousin by Scott Garson

Selected in Notable Stories of 2009 for storySouth's Million Writers Award

Highlighted in Rarely Likable's Storybucket 2011

Selected as #9 for Flash Fiction Chronicles’  100 Story Links in Honor of Short Story Month 2011


Basics by Gabe Durham

Longlisted for Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2010


The New Toothbrush by Nicholas Brown

Selected fro Wigleaf's Top 50 Stories of 2010


The Monstrous Sadness of Mythical Figures by Amber Sparks

Selected for Big Other's Best of 2010

Ideally Learnt French for Eavesdroppers by Brian Baldi

Selected for Dzanc's Best of the Web 2010

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