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Brian Mihok lives near New York City and writes fiction. His novel The Quantum Manual of Style was published by Aqueous Books in 2013. His work has appeared in The Disconnect, Vol 1 Brooklyn, Everyday GeniusFast Company, and elsewhere. He is also a filmmaker.

Marcelle Heath lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband, dogs, and tortoise. She is the author of Is that all there is? (Awst Press), a finalist for the 2024 Oregon Book Award. Her work has appeared in Fractured Lit, Joyland, Kenyon Review, Little Fiction, matchbook, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, and other journals.

Jeannie Hoag is from northwestern Wisconsin and now lives in a suburb of New York City. She has published a poetry chapbook with Agnes Fox Press, a collaborative book of poems (with Kyle McCord) with Black Lawrence Press, and has occasionally dabbled in the dark art of self-publishing. She is a librarian. 

Marie Capasso lives, reads, and writes in The Bronx. You can find her walking great distances in lieu of the subway and will unapologetically listen to the same song on repeat. She will pet any cat she can.


Armando Celayo’s work has been published in Ambit, matchbook, and NonDoc, among numerous other places, and anthologized in Un Nuevo Sol: British LatinX Writers and The Salt Anthology of New Writing. He has an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia, and is currently an Engagement Specialist for the Metropolitan Library System in Oklahoma City, OK. His work can be found at

Editor Emeritus

R. B. Pillay was born and raised in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. Currently, he lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His stories have appeared in Big Lucks, The White Review, Paper Darts, and elsewhere.

Co-Founding Editor Emeritus

Edward Mullany lives in New York, where he teaches literature and writing at College of Staten Island. He was raised in Australia, and moved with his family to the United States when he was twelve. He writes fiction and poetry.

Contact editor at matchbooklitmag dot com  •  ISSN 2152-8608  •  All rights reserved.

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